Jynni's Virtue
owned and operated by Naz Felyood, this pirate freighter plied the spacelanes during the height of the New Order, until it suddenly disappeared. Investigation by Luke Skywalker and his new order of Jedi Knights discovered dubious records of the Jynni's Virtue being shot down over the planet Korriban just prior to the Battle of Yavin. The recordings were discovered inside a sealed wall of the tomb of a 7,000 year old Sith Lord named Dathka Graush, which seemed to indicate that the recordings were at least that old. How they got there remained a mystery, since the timestamps on the recordings dated them about six months prior to the Battle of Yavin. The recordings showed that the pirates had been intercepted by an Imperial patrol and decided to make a hasty jump into hyperspace, but the astromech droid aboard the Jynni's Virtue exploded, killing the navigator and dropping them into a remote region of space. The ship was then attacked by unknown forces, which were not detected until their incoming fire rocked the freighter. The Jynni's Virtue came to rest near the Valley of Golg, and Captain Felyood set out to scout their location. His discovery of the tomb of Dathka Graush led to contact with the jewel known as the Heart of Graush. Felyood himself was possessed by the spirit of the ancient Sith Lord, and the Korriban Zombies were released. In order to keep the zombies from escaping the planet, First Mate Babbnod Luroon set off the ship's self-destruct mechanism. The Jynni's Virtue exploded in a ball of flame that killed the remaining crew and most of the zombies.