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Cories, Niklas

this man, the son of a prominent Outer Rim businessman, was also a noted assassin during the early years of the New Order. He was known for his use of thermal detonators to eliminate his target, although the destruction caused by thermal detonators often made it unclear who his intended target actually was. He had a long-standing grudge against the Hutts, a situation which the Hutts returned by placing a number of contracts on his head. For many years, Cories was a member of the band Distraction, doing everything from hauling equipment to singing backup. Known as Aphus Polix to his bandmates, Cories satisfied his need for violence by placing small thermal detonators in the mosh pits around the stage. Their explosion was always blamed on the fans, and Cories was never discovered. All of this deception was aimed at one thing: revenge against Niklas' former girlfriend, Aquella Firth. She had rejected him as "too old and dangerous" several years ago, and Cories never forgot it. He saw his chance when Distraction played aboard the Sleemo Poya Jeedai, and arranged for Aquella to win tickets to the concert. Unknown to Cories, however, Quoltus Firth had been following his movements, and hired a group of freelance mercenaries to protect his daughter. Cories devised a devious plan to implicate Rossi Kildaon or Ushka Et in a series of subordinate murders, which would allow him to pose as Ushak Et so that he could kill Aquella. However, his drugging of the real Tzeel robbed him of his backbeat cues, and he couldn't sing the right words. The agents hired by Quoltus Firth realized the decetion and rushed the stage, capturing Cories and exposing his plans. Cories nearly had the last laugh, as he had planted more than thirty thermal detonators in the band's pyrotechnic displays. These were soon discovered and disarmed, and the agents turned Cories over to the Hutts to trial.
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