the exploits of this pirate served as the basis for the holo-series Space Pirates of the Galaxy, which was popular during the early years of the New Order. In the series, Reddjak was known as The Scarlet Pirate, since he often dressed in bright red clothing. In real life, Reddjak was a notorious criminal who was wanted in several star systems for a variety of crimes. He wsa captured some years before the Battle of Yavin, but was freed on the planet Majoor by Llez. Reddjak brought the child along with him to his pirate ship, hoping to use the boy to locate his father's diplomatic convoy and ambush it. However, Reddjak didn't count on the child's resourcefulness, nor the fact that R2-D2 and C-3PO had stowed away aboard his pirate ship. Just as he launched his attack, Reddjak found himself weaponless and being boarded by Zell's security forces. In short order, Reddjak was back in police custody.