this diminutive Kadrillian served as an administrative aide to Dal Quirz, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. Rodno was a very self-confident individual, although his knowledge was often incomplete. This was due mainly to his young age and lacked of experience, but it didn't stop Rodno from trying to learn more, as quickly as he could. When it was learned that the Empire was planning to subjugate the Kadrillians and the Nocivs in order to steal all the kunda stones on Kadirl, Rodno led Luke Skywalker and Han Solo into Nociv territory. There, he reunited with his chosen mate, Deerna, who had decided to remain with the Nocivs. Rodno's love for her remained strong, and he stepped in front of a blaster bolt meant for Deerna in the fighting. The wound was not fatal, and Rodno survived. Deerna agreed to marry him, and Rodno agreed to remain with the Nocivs.