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this man was a member of the royalty that ruled the daylight side of a remote planet, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He was the brother of King Cleroff, and the uncle of Princess Risa, and held the position of Vizier in the court. When Han Solo crash-landed on their planet, Marius explained that he had been studying the energy phenomenon that brought Han there in the first place, and agree to help Han return to Endor. It was later revealed that Marius was the mastermind behind all the brigand activity on their homeworld, as well as the stalled peace treaty that Cleroff had hoped to sign with his nightside rival. His studies of the energy phenomena were not wholly scientific, but were performed to support his plans for taking control. When Han Solo arranged to have Prince Gil kidnapped by other brigands, so that King Cleroff could pay his ransom and make Gil's family indebted to him, Marius saw his chance to grab real power. He double-crossed Solo's plans, but Han had also anticipated Marius's treachery. Marius was quickly captured, and Han was able to help King Cleroff establish a peaceful resolution to the situation.
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