this Godoan served as the representative of his homeworld of Godo, during discussions with the Alliance of Free Planets during the months following the Battle of Endor. Fumiyo was chosen because he was the only Godoan at the time who could speak the Galactic Standard language. Fumiyo and his people nearly died when a strange plague began afflicting the Godoans, until Han Solo discovered that two unusual statues - the Dancing Goddess and the Minstrel - were actually key components in a strange technology that helped keep them alive. Thanks to the efforts of Solo, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, and Chewbacca, the statues were recovered and returned to their rightful places. The Godoans were revived, and Fumiyo lived. He nearly started a war, however, when he refused to allow Lando to be revived by the strange technology, after Lando contracted the plague while returning the Dancing Goddess to Godo. In the end, Fumiyo convinced his leaders to allow Lando to return to Godo and be revived by the statues.