this was the name used by the human natives of the planet Shawken. They were known for their ability to harness energy into seemingly inert objects, creating batteries and power cells from everyday things. Ancient Shawkenese were known as philosophers and scientists, but they also followed a nihilistic view of the universe. Ancient Shawken scientists devised ways to bringing about the destruction of the universe and a new sort of "big bang" which would rebuild a better galaxy. To this end, they devised monstrous technologies that could destroy solar systems and galaxies by creating a self-sustaining chain reaction of collisions and explosions. Luckily for the rest of the galaxy, the secrets of using this technology died with the ancient Shawkens. The technology was almost activated by Rik Duel and his gang of thieves, while they were accompanying Luke Skywalker on a diplomatic mission. Only the heroic efforts of Kiro stopped the device and saved the galaxy.