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this woman, a native of Tilam City on the planet Pendal, was the leader and founder of the Granse Confederacy. A former "advisor" to a Kuat Drive yards executive, she was employed to assassinate any rivals to the executive's position, both within and outside KDY's corporate ranks. Rumor held that she simply walked away from her last mission, to join her cousin Zayl Braith in order to work as a freelance assassin. The KDY executive sent five bounty hunters to kill her, but she eliminated them all and sent them back to the executive in a series of small freight cubicles. They founded the Granse Confederacy, and earned a spot on the Alliance's most wanted list by striking at several installations and nearly wiping out a large number of Alliance and civilian personnel. For an unknown reason, Callandir had a deep-seated desire to kill Alton Lochner, and many within the Alliance theorized that the Granse Confederacy was formed to ensure his death.
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