this Yuuzhan Vong yorik-stronha picket ship was originally known as the Hrosha-Gul, a name which literally meant "the price of pain". It was captured during the defense of Esfandia by the Galactic Alliance, and used as part of a daring mission to trick B'shith Vorrik into spreading his forces too thin. Once refitted and made spaceworthy, the ship was renamed by Jaina Solo to be the Collaborator. Tahiri traveled aboard the ship to present herself before Vorrik and offer him a chance to use her to infiltrate the Galactic Alliance's forces. She promised him that she would get close enough to the surface of Esfandia to allow his ships to locate the communications base on the planet. In reality, Tahiri hoped to draw off enough of Vorrik's defensive capability for the combined forces of the Alliance and the Imperial Remnant to neutralize him.