this planet served as one of two communications centers, along with Generis, used by the New Republic to establish a link with the Unknown Regions. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Generis was destroyed, leaving Esfandia the only link to the Unknown Regions. The Yuuzhan Vong, knowing that the rogue planet Zonama Sekot was somewhere in the Unknown Regions, attacked Esfandia in an effort to break all communications links. Esfandia itself was a free-roaming world which had broken free from its sun many thousands of years before. Its core retained enough energy to produce a liquid atmosphere of methane and nitrogen. The New Republic's communications base on Esfandia was built on a base of refitted AT-AT walkers, allowing the base to move across the planet's surface and maintain relay equipment, while protecting the workers and officers within. It was later revealed that Esfandia was also the homeworld of a race of sentient plants known as the Brrbrlpp.