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Calandra, Annora

this woman was an auditor with the Mining Guild, at the height of the New Order. This meant that she spent most her time traveling to member companies and collecting their membership fees. However, she found that her position as auditor meant that she was simply at the beck and call of her superiors, who demanded that they remain outside any Imperial entanglements. Shortly before the Battle of Endor, she established a coalition of individuals who agreed to work with House Melantha to force the Empire out of Tapani Sector. She only went along with Vaskel Savill's plans because they furthered her own, but she was unaware that Savill planned to eliminate her after the destruction of the Imperial torpedo sphere near Tallaan. After her participating in the annual Vor-cal, it was revealed that Annora was also representing the Nok Cartel and several members of The Chamber, who were also funding the mission to destroy the torpedo sphere but wanted to remain anonymous.
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