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an ocean-covered world with little solid land mass, Calamari was home to two amphibious races: the Mon Calamari and the Quarren. It was a tectonically stable world, without mountains. The planet was covered with deep oceans, with many islands and coral atolls. Much of the exposed land was marshy, and incapable of supporting any kind of civilization. Thus, the two native species turned to building floating cities from the ores mined from the ocean floor. Some parts of the cities were exposed above the ocean's surface, but the majority of the space in Calamarian cities was underwater. Much of the planet's history was written in the civil wars staged between the Quarren and the Mon Calamari, although these wars became little more than skirmishes as both sides lacked the firepower to destroy each other. That all nearly changed with the onset of the Clone Wars, when the Quarren Isolation League threatened to turn the planet over to the Separatists. Only the intervention of Jedi Master Kit Fisto, and his rallying of the Mon Calamari Knights, managed to fend off the Quarren and keep the planet free. However, the resentment between the two races continued to ferment just below the surface. Calamari was also famous for its shipyards, another fact which made the planet a prime target for opposing factions throughout the history of the galaxy. Calamari was orbited by a single moon. Its day lasted about 21 standard hours, and its year spanned 398 local days. In the wake of the Second Battle of Coruscant, and the death of Borsk Fey'lya, the New Republic's provisional government - led by the newly-elected Chief of State Cal Omas - was established on Calamari. After the surrender of the Yuuzhan Vong near Coruscant, the Galactic Alliance put plans in place to rebuild Coruscant to once again serve as the political center of the galaxy. Because of its remote location, Calamari was returned to the Quarren and the Mon Calamari when the Galactic Alliance chose to make its temporary base on Denon.
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