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Cal Ambre

this modified Kumauri Cal-class warship was used as a luxury gambling liner during the height of the New Order. It maintained a permanent orbit in the Bramior System, near Rove and just outside the system's asteroid field. The ship's armament was reduced to a single mass driver weapon, a pair of turbolaser cannons, and six tractor beam projectors. These weapons systems serve more to ensure that no stray asteroids impact the ship than for defense. Much of its internal structure was modified to create quest quarters and casinos, while the hangar bays were extensively reworked to accommodate the small shuttles used by its patrons. The ship was run by a crew of 2,150, with 46 gunners manning the defenses. It could transport up to 9,000 pasengers in luxurious comfort, and remain in orbit for up to three months before needing to be re-supplied. The primary game of chance played aboard the ship is Bombarde, developed specifically for the Cal Ambre.
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