Cairnwick, Drun
this highly charismatic Alliance supporter led much of the resistance in the Minos Cluster during the Galactic Civil War. Cairnwick was training to become a Jedi Knight when the Empire took control of the galaxy. He hid on his homeworld of Adarlon, where he told his neighbors about the atrocities the Empire was committing. This incited the natives of Adarlon to rebel against Imperial control, and brought a group of stormtroopers down on his headquarters. Cairnwick had fled before they arrived, and managed to remain in hiding a few more years before he was eventually captured. He was arrested shortly after the Battle of Yavin, but still managed to rally support for the Alliance on the prison world Gesaril. He managed to rescue a group of Alliance POWs before stormtroopers could discover what had happened and seal the prison.