this black-furred Wookiee was the leader of the city of Rwookrrorro, on his homeworld of Kashyyyk, during the height of the Great Sith War. He was somewhat unusual in that he working to gain power by whatever means he could, rather than employing more traditional Wookiee ways. He also had little regard for honor, and used fear and threats to remain unchallenged in his leadership position. Many of his contemporaries, as well as future Wookiee historians, blamed his disregard for traditional values for Czerka Corporation's ability to establish bases on Kashyyyk. This, in turn, led to the first widespread use of Wookiees as slave labor. In truth, it was Chuundar who sold the Wookiee people into slaver, in exchange for a high-ranking position with Czerka's organization on the planet. When his brother, Zaalbar, learned of his treachery, Chuundar found himself being challenged. He refused to back down, and even betrayed their father, Freyyr, by calling him a senile old fool and turning his people against him. Zaalbar became angry and lashed out at Chuundar with his climbing claws, and action that was forbidden among the Wookiees in combat. Zaalbar was branded a "madclaw" and exiled from Kashyyyk, cementing Chuundar's position of power on Kashyyyk. He remained above his fellow Wookiees for many years, until Zaalbar returned from the Great Sith War and confronted his brother once again. This time, though, Zaalbar managed to defeat Chuundar and remove him from power.