once known as The Holy Terror duing the time he spent fighting for the Alliance, Beelyard served under Cody Sunn-Childe during the early days of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. When Sunn-Childe fled the known galaxy, Beelyard went with him. Beelyard, distinguished by his immense body and thin, needle-like fingers, became one of Sunn-Childe's strongest supporters. When Imperial Captain Plikk and her small fleet tried to destroy the floating city Sunn-Childe had created, Beelyard and many others supported Sunn-Childe's plan to fight violence without violence. Rather than destroying the Imperial fleet to save their own lives, Beelyard and the others agreed to sacrifice their own lives to strand the Imperial in between dimensions. Sunn-Childe allowed Plikk's ships to fire on and destroy the city, killing all its inhabitants. While Beelyard was killed, the Imperials were left to ponder their own fate, trapped in a location from which they could never escape.