this unusual creature was believed to have been extinct by the time Emperor Palaptine rose to power. Known colloquially as a screamer, it was a natural hyperspace communications amplifier, and could communicate across the galaxy almost instantaneously with its counterparts or other machine-based hyperspace receivers. A teezl lacked a true form, resembling a large swirl of bluish light that dazzled the eyes and bewildered the mind.Initial study showed that the teezl was non-sentient, and lacked any kind of feelings or senses. A single, surviving teezl was discovered by the Empire, and Emperor Palpatine dispatched one of the largest Imperial fleets, under the command of Admiral Giel, to bring the teezl back to Coruscant. However, their mission was discovered by the Alliance, which managed to infiltrate Admiral Giel's fleet and destroy the teezl.