Caet Shrovl
this female Shistavenan Wolfman was an albino, and was one of the pilots in Rock Squadron, serving the Khuiumin Survivors. She served as Rock Ten during the attack on the Galaxy Chance. Her albino coloration meant that she was extremely sensitive to light, and had to fully cover herself to walk around during the day. She considered her albinism the fault of the Empire, for they had experimented on her mother. She joined the Survivors because of their hatred for the Empire. Because of her self-imposed isolation, she was an easy target for Remart Sasyru, who beat her badly before being shipped to Bolt Squadron. She was one of the first Invids to test on the Tri-fighters Corran had equipped with hyperdrives, and she used this training to flee Courkrus when Corran, disguised as an "avenging Jedi," began terrorizing the pirate groups.