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this Imperial Moff was one of the most dangerous Imperials to survive the Battle of Endor and the fall of the Empire. He firmly believed he could bring about the downfall of the New Republic and restore the New Order to the galaxy. He began working toward this goal by removing any Republic support from his base sector, starting on the capital world of Rydonni Prime. He employed Rythani Products much the same way Palpatine did, contracting out military manufacturing and research. Caerbellak was a man who was equally adept at shady politics and military offensives, and had no qualms about using either when the need arose. He saw a chance to gain a great deal of power when Rythani began work on a prototype weapon that would help him wipe out supporters of the Republic. When the monarch of Rydonni Prime got in his way, Caerbellak fostered a relationship with his daughter, Kalieva K'ntarr. When Sienn Sconn tried to steal the prototype, Caerbellak allowed the theft to occur just as he killed the Rydonni king. With the help of Kalieva, Caerbellak became the de facto executive of Rythani Products as well as the consort of the ruler of Rydonni Prime. The prototype found its way to the New Republic, and using hidden transmitters, Caerbellak began marking New Republic outposts and research centers for destruction.
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