this Korunnai was one of many who served Kar Vastor as a member of the Akk Guards, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. When Jedi Master Mace Windu tried to help the Korunnai rid themselves of Balawai control by attacking the city of Pelek Baw, Iolu and the Akk Guards were ordered to oppose any attempt to succeed. When Nick Rostu shot and killed both Prouk and Thaffal, Iolu retaliated with his vibroblades. Even though he had once saved Nick's life, Iolu felt no compassion, and tried to sever Nick's head from his body. Nick managed to avoid the killing blow, and shot him in the arm with a slugthrower. Iolu managed to recover from the blow, but Nick grabbed a blaster as shot Iolu in the head.