Nakay, Keela
this young Balawai girl was one of five children rescued by Mace Windu from a lava flow in the jungle of Haruun Kal, shortly after the Battle of Geonosis, when he traveled to the planet to locate Depa Billaba. The children, led by her brother Terrel, had been trying to return to their camp in a steamcrawler when it was caught by the laval. Keela had suffered a massive head injury, and was unconscious when Master Windu found the children. When Pek Rankin and the rest of his group arrived to recover the children, one of the other parents revealed that Keela's father had died in earlier fighting. Terrel was later killed by Kar Vastor, leaving Keela and her sister Pell orphaned. The sisters, along with Urno and Nykl, were taken in by Nick Rostu, after Windu left them to seek out answers in the jungle.