Cadmir, Jerem
this young, Corellian man was a member of the ExGal-4 team on Belkadan, at the time of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. He was part of a scouting team sent out to locate a huge storm which had been detected on the outpost's sensors, but the party was astonished to find that much of Belkadan had become an ecological wasteland. Yomin Carr's dweebit beetles had begun an irreversible change, and the group realized that they didn't have enough oxygen to make it back intact. In the end, Jerem was the only member of the scouting party to survive the return trip, but the only being he found at the outpost was Yomin Carr himself. Jerem tried to understand how Carr could unleash the dweebits, but Carr wouldn't let him live that long. Carr told Jerem he would have a warrior's death, then the Yuuzhan Vong snapped Jerem's neck with a single twist of his hands.