this young man was a Korun, native to the planet Karuun Kal. During the height of the Clone Wars, Lesh and his younger brother, Besh, joined the Upland Liberation Front in an effort to free their people from the control of the Balawai. Lesh and Besh both hated the Balawai with every fiber of their existence, an emotion based on Besh's torture at the hands of Balawai jups. The brothers fought alongside Nick Rostu and Chalk for many years, until Lesh was bitten by fever wasps and died when their larvae destroyed his brain. In order to ensure that none of the larvae survived to maturity, Jedi Master Mace Windu, who had been traveling with the guerillas to find Depa Billaba, used his lightsaber to destroy Lesh's brain and kill the wasps.