this emotionally ravaged young woman, born Liane Trevval, was a Korun, native to the planet Karuun Kal. During the height of the Clone Wars, she joined the Upland Liberation Front in an effort to free her people from the control of the Balawai. Unfortunately, Chalk was stung by a fever wasp shortly after her comrade Lesh, and began to suffer from the wasp fever. She allowed herself to be injected with thanatizine by Mace Windu, in an effort to arrest the development of the wasp larvae while she and Besh could be transported to a medical facility. Unfortunately, both Chalk and Besh were brutally murdered by Terrel Nakay, who used a dull knife to cut them until they nearly bled to death. Only the arrival of Kar Vastor saved their lives. Vastor himself executed Terrel, then used his connection to the Force to draw out the fever wasps in an attempt to heal their injuries. Only Chalk was healthy enough to survive, and she played a key role in Master Windu's plans to liberate the Korunnai and take control of Pelek Baw. Unfortunately, Chalk was shot in the chest during the initial stages of the taking of Pelek Baw, and died shortly afterward from the injury. Master Windu, upon returning to Coruscant after the ending of the Summertime War, posthumously nominated her for a commission in the Army of the Republic, thereby rendering her eligible for the Medal of Valor for her part in ending the war. Master Windu also ensured that the name Liane Trevval was noted in the Senate's records of outstanding soldiers of the Clone Wars.