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Upland Liberation Front

this was the name used by the Korunnai guerillas who fought to free their people from the oppression of the Balawai, during the years following the Clone Wars. Often referred to as the ULF, this band was believed to have crystallized around the rogue Jedi Knight, Depa Billaba, and spiritual leader Kar Vastor just after the Battle of Geonosis. In order to draw the attention of Mace Windu and the rest of the Old Republic, the leaders of the ULF put together a scene of wanton death and torture, then recorded the entire scene and placed a data wafer with the recordings into the mouth of a dead woman. With a carefully placed tip to the Republic's Intelligence agency, they managed to achieve their goal of bringing Windu back to Haruun Kal. What Master Windu discovered, though, was that the ULF was barely clinging to its own existence, reduced to staging raids on Balawai outposts just to acquire food and medical supplies. The ULF was being held together by the sheer will of Kar Vastor, who had become the lor pelek of legend. Disease and the jungle were claiming as many Korunnai victims as the Balawai gunships that patrolled the jungles. When Mace Windu finally met up with Depa Billaba, she revealed that the ULF was just a name she had created to help garner attention for the plight of the Korunnai. The illusion of the ULF was meant to force the Balawai militia to expend huge amounts of resources trying to pin down leaders and resources, looking for patterns they believed any organized resistance would employ. The fact of the matter, though, was that the ULF was simply a clan of surviving Korunnai who used guerilla tactics in an effort to avoid extinction.
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