sometimes referred to as the bastard offspring of a mynock and a spider, the kurkuothj was a silicon-based form of insect that fed off the energy sources found in spaceports and landing bays. The body of a kurkuoth - called a "kwath" by those beings who have experienced them multiple times - was square in shape, with a segmented leg sprouting from each corner of the body. Clusters of eyes were located on the top and bottom of their though shells, while the mouth was located on its underside. This allowed the kurkuoth to keep watch while it fed. In general, kurkuoths were quite skittish, and would rather flee than fight. However, once a kurkuoth established a territory and a family, it would defend its food sources quite readily. Kurkuoths reproduce asexually, using cues from their environment to decide when to lay their eggs, and how many to lay at once.