this converted MOD-17 freighter was part of the small fleet which was hastily assembled to transport refugees off the planet Druckenwell, when the Yuuzhan Vong took control of the planet. The speciallized containers of the freighter were refitted to provide shelter and life support to the refugees who crammed into them. The Chilastra was commanded by Captain Yesha Bergeron during the evacuation, and it was rumored that a Jedi Knight was hiding aboard the Chilastra. This rumor quickly reached the ears of Yuuzhan Vong Commander Malik Carr, who dispatched a commando team to capture the ship and its Jedi. A battle ensued between the freighter and a Yuuzhan Vong boarding party, which tried to capture the untrained but Force-sensitive Ka-Tu-Un. The Yuuzhan Vong managed to get aboard the freighter by traveling the shuttle Yorva-9, which outwardly seemed to be a normal shuttle.