this peaceful race was native to the planet Caamas. Strong supporters of the Old Republic, the Caamasi calm wisdom and steadfast loyalty helped keep the Republic from completely disintegrating during its final years. The name "Caamasi" literally meant "friend from afar" in their native language. There were several thousand Caamasi off-world when the Empire attacked and destroyed the planet, leaving it a barren wasteland. They were powerless to protest the attack, given that it occurred during the early years of Emperor Palpatine's rule. Some of the survivors tried to establish a colonyon Alderaan's South Islands, hoping to someday rebuild their world. As a race, the Caamasi were covered in a golden, downy fur, highlighted on their faces by purple stripes. Their most striking feature was their blue-on-green eyes. It was believed that the ancient Jedi Knights traveled to Caamas to discuss the ethical use of the Force with the Caamasi, during the establishment of the Jedi Order.