originally native to Yuuzhan'tar, the long-lost homeworld of the Yuuzhan Vong, this avian creature evolved over many millennia to live underground. Its once-keen eyes adapted to the low-light conditions of subterranean life, and its wings eventually became arms. The Yuuzhan Vong then stepped in, taking several specimens and bioo-engineering them to serve as sophisticated echolocation devices. Modern kavaaviks were bred for their unique senses, not for combat or other physical activity. Thus, the average kavaavik resembled a mass of squirming flesh. When worn over the head of a Yuuzhan Vong warrior, the kavaavik used its vestigial arms to grasp hold of the head, while a speciallized spinal needle was extended from the kavaavik's body and penetrated the warrior's right tear ducts, eventually connecting directly to the optic nerve. In this way, the Yuuzhan Vong could see through the eyes of the kavaavik, whuich used its sophisticated echolocation to visualized it surroundings while working underground or in darkness. The kavaavkik could not discern colors, but shapes were projected to the Yuuzhan Vong as a collection of gray images. Thus, the warrior using a kavaavik could see a datapad in front of them, but couldn't read what was displayed on it.