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Caamas Incident

this term took on two meanings about fifteen years after the Battle of Endor. First and foremost, it referred to the destruction of the planet Caamas during Emperor Palpatine's early days in power. Second, it came to describe the reaction within the New Republic to information which implicated the Bothans in the attack on Caamas. Because Bothans had been instrumental in the formation of the New Republic, many of the member races were outraged when immediate reparations weren't made after the information was discovered. The Caamas Incident served to bring to the forefront several long-standing feuds between member races, including that of the Ishori and Diamala. These squabbles quickly spread to other races, and ignited a series of battles that the New Republic seemed powerless to put down. The remnants of the Empire, under Moff Disra, used the Incident to their advantage. They placed specialized riot groups throughout the galaxy, fomenting the suppressed alien grudges and bringing chaos to the Republic.
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