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Preena's Repair Bay

this was the name of the vehicle repair and service business owned and operated by Preena Jallop during the height of the New Order, which was located on Streysel Island on the planet Vaynai. It was carved into the cliff face near the Fil'vye Transport tower, with a large portion of the facility open to the surface of the island so that starships could land even with minimal meneuverability. Preena also maintained a skilled crew of technicians who could travel to various towers and landing sites to perform on-site repairs. What made the Repair Bay unusual was the fact that a good portion of the labor was performed by children of all ages. Preena's motherly instinct made her take in orphans and impoverished children, allowing them the opportunity to earn valuable skills and be sheltered from the criminal elements of Vaynai in return for their loyalty and dedication to the business. Known to those children who "graduated" as Preena's Academy, this aspect of Preena's business provided children with a way to escape Vaynai's underworld.
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