C'baoth, Joruus
this insane Dark Jedi was actually Jorus C'baoth's unstable clone, grown by Emperor Palpatine too fast in an attempt to obtain a new Dark Jedi Master. Joruus was unstable enough to have killed the last Dark Jedi on an unspecified planet. He later kiled the Guardian, the individual assigned by Palpatine to guard the Mount Tantiss installation on Wayland. A cruel and unstable man, Joruus C'baoth routinely slaughtered the inhabitants of - as well as visitors to - Wayland in order to secure his position. Joruus was pulled into Imperial service by Grand Admiral Thrawn, who sought C'baoth's help in coordinating the battle actions of huge number of clones which were being grown to serve the new Empire. However, Joruus had his own mad delusions of ruling the Empire, and was often at odds with Thrawn's plans. Joruus was partially successful in his quest to alter and shape the minds of the clones they were creating, and used his skills at coordinating their efforts to launch a surprise attack on Ukio. With Joruus linking the minds of the gunners, Thrawn deceived the Ukians into believing he had a weapon that could penetrate their planetary shields. In reality, Joruus used his abilities with the Force to command the crew of a cloaking ship to fire at a precise point, making it appear that the shield had been breached. Other missions called for Joruus to control the actions of multiple gunners or starship navigators, so that the Imperial forces operated in much greater unity than normally possible. Throughout the time, Thrawn led Joruus along by promising to provide Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo, as well as Leia's unborn children, to Joruus as subjects. Joruus demanded that the Jedi be brought to him, to serve as the beginning of his own Jedi Order. The Jedi continued to elude Thrawn, which drove Joruus deeper into his own insanity. Eventually, Joruus set out to take control of the Empire for himself. It was during this time that Thrawn suggested that a clone of Joruus be taken and grown at a more normal pace, in an effort to obtain a Dark Jedi Master who was not insane. Joruus, meanwhile, took control of the starship Draklor and sped to Wayland, hoping to gain access to the treasures stored there. Joruss also used the Force to alter the mind of General Covell, hoping to warp the General into a puppet at his beck and call. However, Thrawn had anticipated such a move, and had a colony of ysalamiri hidden within Mount Tantiss. Once inside the mountain, Joruus discovered that he had been cut off from the Force, which killed Covell and left Joruus a prisoner in the very facility he hoped to control. The New Republic, meanwhile, had discovered the location of Wayland, and a small task force was dispatched to destroy it. Joruus was delighted to learn that Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade had been part of the group, and he set out to capture them and twist them to his own plans. When Luke refused to join him, Joruus revealed his own little secret - a clone of Luke that had been created from the cells of the hand he lost fighting Darth Vader on Cloud City. A titanic battle ensued, with both Luke and Mara trying to defeat the Skywalker clone. Mara eventually killed the clone, which ironically fufilled the destiny set before her by Emperor Palpatine years ago. After trying to bring the mountain down on top of them in his anger, Joruus was killed by Mara Jade when she confronted him. Mara was blinded by the falling rock, but Luke was in a position that he could see C'baoth. Using the Force, he guided Mara into position, then she used her lightsaber to pierce C'baoth through the chest.