C'baoth, Jorus
a Jedi Master lost with the Outbound Flight team, Jorus was born on the planet Bortras. He graduated from Mirnic University, and attended the Jedi Training center on Kamparas before coming under the tutelage of an unknown Jedi Master. After a total of four years of training, Jorus was eleveted to the rank of Jedi Knight. Twelve years later, he became a Jedi Master. He served the Old Republic in a number of ways, most notably as a negotiator and mediator for many of the galaxy's racial conflicts. When Palpatine readied himself to usurp the galactic throne, he had Jorus cloned shortly before the launch of the Outbound Flight Project. Jorus and the other five Jedi Masters on the Project were killed when their ship was attacked by Thrawn, at the order of Palpatine himself. A clone was eventually created, but it was one of Palpatine's first attempts to bring a clone to maturity faster than a full year. Thus, C'baoth's clone was unstable. It did, however, retain its use of the Force, and Palpatine trained it in the use of the Dark Side of the Force.