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this was the model number of Hoar Chall Engineering's landing craft. Built for the Neimoidians who controlled the Trade Federation, the C-9979 resembled a huge letter I when viewed from above. The four lobes of the craft held the various components of a Federation invasion force: 11 MTT transports, 114 AAT battle tanks, 28 droid troop transports, and the complete compliment of battle droids needed to control these smaller ships. The C-9979 required a crew of 88, and the Neimoidians used droids for all crew positions. The transport were deployed from the lobes by a complex system of tracks and lifts that channel them through the central section, which hangs down below the I-shaped wings. Complete deployment of all forces takes about 45 minutes. The overall wingspan of the C-9979 is 340 meters. It is lightly armed, with a pair of laser cannons mounted on the forward wingtips and four turret-mounted laser cannons spread around the main section. It lacks a hyperdrive, being purely a landing craft, but has a maximum atmospheric speed of 587 kph.
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