this Kitonak worked as a crime broker on the moon Nar Shaddaa, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He spent most of his time moving between bars and cantinas, arranging illicit and underhanded dealings for various crimelords. Outwardly disorganized and indecisive, Moap had a quick mind and little fear of anything. Shortly after the murder of Nak Simm, Moap was approached by a group of mercenaries who were working for Torga the Hutt. They were investigating Simm's death, and Nomo Sliken's bank accounts revealed that Moap had made a deposit into the accounts just prior to the murder. Moap explained that he had been working as an intermediary for Doronnar, who had been sent by Moska the Hutt to arrange for Simm's death. In reality, Moap had been hired by Jolla the Hutt to create the strife between Torga and Moska, in an effort to claim both their operations for himself.