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Zeison Sha

this was an ancient philosophy of the Force, distinguished from that of the Jedi Knights and the Sith in its training methods and beliefs. The origins of the Zeison Sha can be traced back to the initial stages of the Light and Darkness War, some 2,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. A group of families who were fleeing the conflict between the Jedi and the Sith established a colony on Yanibar. Many of the members of these families had ties to the Jedi Order - more than a few were also quite sensitive to the Force - and so they fled into the Outer Rim to avoid becoming the targets of Sith attacks. A group of Jedi accompanied the families to Yanibar, but was later killed in battle, leaving the families stranded. News of their deaths never reached the families, because their flight had been kept secret. So, the families took this to mean that the Jedi Order had abandoned them, and they set out to commune with the Force in other ways. Surviving the harsh environment of Yanibar gave the Zeison Sha a strong will to survive, and they tapped into the Force to assist in ensuring the survival of the colony. Over the centuries, the Zeison Sha philosophy coalesced around the ideals of self-reliance and independence. Among the skills of the Zeison Sha were weapons skills designed for defense and for acquiring food. One of the most distinctive weapons of the Zeison Sha was the discblade, a weapon that could be thrown at a creature and would return to its thrower. The return was partly due to the discblade's shape, and partly to the Zeison Sha's own telekinetic skills. There were several times in the history of the Zeison Sha that the struggle for independence and self-sufficiency led an individual to become selfish, and many Zeison Sha were lost to the Dark Side of the Force. After the Battle of Ruusan, a passing trader discovered the colony on Yanibar, and the Zeison Sha decided to revisit their former ties to the Jedi Order. When the Jedi began taking their children - often without permission - for training as Padawans, the Zeison Sha again chose to reject the ways of the Jedi and returned to Yanibar. This self-imposed isolation allowed the Zeison Sha to survive the Jedi Purge.
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