issued by Grand Admiral Thrawn during the search for Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo on Tatooine, some four years after the Battle of Endor, directive TS3519 prohibited the killing of any individual targetted for capture. The killing of an individual, whether accidental or not, would result in the loss of a week's liberty and a month's wages for the entire platoon. These fines were cumulative, in those situations where more than one individual was wanted for questioning. However, directive TS3519 also stated that, if the only way to stop the individual from escaping was to kill them, then they must be killed no matter what the consequences to the platoon. Should the targetted individual escape, the platoon would be denied liberty for one year, and forfeit all pay for the duration of their service. The individual trooper who allowed the target to escape would be tried and executed for crimes against the Empire.