Mining Digger Crawler
originally developed by Corellia Engineering, these lumbering vehicles were used to mine ores from a variety of planets. Measuring 120 meters in length and standing twenty meters tall at the cockpit, the Mining Digger Crawler moved about on four huge treads that could move the vehicle at speeds around thirty kilometers per hour. Note that The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels indicates that this vessel was just 36.8 meters in length. A crew of fifty-seven - four pilots, twelve engineers, forty workers, and a "crawler master" - were required to operate the machine. A number of these mining vehicles were dispatched to the planet Tatooine, after initial colonization attempts hinted at the possibility of metals and ores hidden in the desert. When these claims were proven false, the crawlers were abandoned. They were later scavenged by the Jawas, and modified to serve as sandcrawlers. Note that the Arms and Equipment Guide indicates that the Mining Digger was manufactured by Corellia Mining Corporation.