Program, The
this was the term used by Melen Toobo to describe his plans to lobotomize Coruscani Ogres, in an effort to create a cheap pool of "organic droids" to serve as his docile workforce. The first ogres put through The Program were utter failures, emerging from surgery even more savage than before. The success of the individual known as Friendly emboldened Toobo to begin full-scale conversion, although Friendly turned out to be a fluke. Subsequent conversions resulted in ogres that were uncontrollable, and had to be turned off in order to prevent widespread damage. When the Empire discovered The Program, it tried to use the lobotomized ogres as a form of soldier, dispatched to rebellious worlds to wreak havoc on the population. Then, a squadron of stromtroopers would arrive and eliminate the ogres, winning the support of the frightened population.