this world was the fifth planet from the sun which centered the MZX33291 system. Originally discovered by Imperial scouts, Bimmiel was thought to be a temperate world of grassy plains and cool deserts. However, it was later learned that the Imperials had first landed on the planet during its closest inbound pass to the sun. An xenoarcheology expedition funded by the University of Agamar learned that Bimmiel had an elongated, elliptical orbit which brought the planet well away from its sun at its furthest path, plunging the planet into a deep winter. They named the planet after the leader of the Imperial survey team which first found it. The xenoarch team had been studying the relationships between the slashrats and the shwpi when they discovered the fifty-year-old remains of Mongei Shai, a Yuuzhan Vong warrior killed on the planet five decades earlier, indicating that the Vong had been able to break through the hyperspace distrubance at the edge of the galaxy long before they actually attacked Belkadan and Helska. The students also discovered that the planet's magnetic field shifted on a regular basis, making any static map of the world obsolete in twenty to fifty years. When Shedao Shai learned of the desecration of Mongei Shai's remains, he ordered Bimmiel wiped clean of any forms of life.