this Hutt crimelord worked from a base on Nar Shaddaa during the height of the New Order. He was known as a supplier of many things that were illegal evenon Nar Shaddaa, although potential buyers had to be cleared by his lieutenant, Nak Simm. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Torga was the target of a failed assassination attempt. He retreated into his fortress-like estate on Nar Shaddaa, and rarely showed himself in public. However, he continued to work toward forming an alliance with Jolla the Hutt, hoping to increase his profits while expanding his organization. Torga then decided to hire a group of freelance mercenaries to locate Nak Simm's killer and expose Moska - his former business partner and arch-rival - as the brains behind the assassination attempts. He presented their evidence to Jolla at a grand party, but Jolla merely shrugged it off, accusing Torga of tattling on a rival before hinting that he might join Moska instead.