this man was part of a militant group which supported the Alliance forces on Ralltiir, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. Basso, his older brother Jiir, and their men planned to rescue Leia Organa after she was apprehended by Lord Tion. With a diversion, they also planned to have Basso deliver vital information to the Princess, which had been imprinted in his mind with a hynoptic suggestion. Their plans were nearly smashed when the Imperial stormtroopers protecting Tion shot Basso, but he managed to reach Leia and eventually recovered from his wounds. When the Tantive IV was caught by Imperial forces on Kattada, Basso agreed to help with the coordination of Leia's meager ground forces. It was Basso who forced Leia to recognize that the war against the Empire would be bloody, no matter how much planning she did. She then decided to keep Basso safe until they could return to Alderaan, while Leia put herself in command of the battle. Later, Basso posed as a stormtrooper during the Alliance's assault on the Imperial labor colony on Kalist VI.