Felanil Baaks
this Duros Jedi knew from an very early age that he was destined to be a Jedi, and his parents were more than happy to turn him over to the Jedi for training. They believed that any life which bettered the galaxy and avoided smuggling was for the best. Baaks spent much of his career learning about the creation of lightsabers. Never one to engage in combat or diplomacy, Baaks dedicated himself to a lifetime of study, a path which left him feeling unwelcome at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during the early years of the Clone Wars. Rather than feel useless on Coruscant, Baaks traveled to Almas to provide his skills and knowledge about lightsabers to the students at the Almas Academy. At the time, Baaks referred to himself as a "Jedi Artisan", and was one of a handful of Jedi who taught useful skills outside the combat arena. Master Yoda once described Baaks as a master of Form Zero lightsaber combat, a description Baaks readily accepted. Baaks never took a Padawan learner, but he did take many students to train in the art of lightsaber construction. His only requirement was that his students had to have already created their own lightsaber, since many of his techniques required the understanding of basic lightsaber construction. He believed that the students he taught at Almas would be his last, as he was advancing in age and would soon be unable to travel. His lightsaber designs remained among the most exquisite and elegant of the time, and he was known to have created a lightsaber from a liquid matrix suspended in a compressed gravity tube.