this cyborged human served as one of the original Imperial Grand Moffs, during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Trachta's cybernetics closely resembled that of Darth Vader, with a triangular breath mask covering his nose and mouth. Both eyes had been replaced by ocular cameras, and his lungs were mechanically enhanced. He hated the Jedi as much as he hated the Sith, and was one of the major participants in an early plot to assassinate Emperor Palpatine, hoping to eliminate Darth Vader in the same masterful stroke. Trachta had known Palpatine for nearly three decades when he hatched his plans to eliminate Vader and all remnants of the Sith, while creating a new Imperial regime in his own image. Unknown to his co-conspirators, Trachta also planned to eliminate each of them in time. His plans fell through, however, when Grand Moff Bartam set his own plans in motion. Just as Bartam was assassinated by Trachta's agent, Trachta found himself cornered by one of Bartam's agents. The agent shot him immediately, killing Trachta on the spot.