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Ulu Ulix

this three-eyed, horned alien youth was the Padawan learner of Jedi Master Glynn-Beti, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. Ulu Ulix was assigned to guard young Boba Fett and the other orphans aboard the Candaserri, after they were rescued from Count Dooku's lair on Raxus Prime. Years later, as the Clone Wars drew closer to an end, Glynn-Beti and Ulix were dispatched to Xagobah to lead the forces that were laying siege to Wat Tambor's hidden fortress. Because the fortress - known as the Mazariyan Citadel - and much of the surrounding plantlife had been geneticalky altered by Tambor to serve as guardians, the clone troopers under her direction were unable to get close to the fortress. Tambot, meanwhile, continued to send droid armies into battle, relying on sheer numbers to overwhelm the Republic's forces. Ulu tried to singlehandedly penetrate the fortress by forcing Tambor's ramship to plunge into it, but his swoop was shot down before he could complete the task. Instead of falling to his death, however, Ulu Ulux found himself in the arms of Boba Fett, who had traveled to Xagobah to capture Wat Tambor for Jabba the Hutt. Ulu Ulix survived the crash, and returned to his Master's side to help with the defeat of the Separatists on Xagobah.
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