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Cydon Prax

this immense, reptilian being served as a guard at Count Dooku's fortress on Raxus Prime, during the years surrounding the Battle of Geonosis. Cydon Prax was a Chistori, and had a bald head that was circled by a heavy crest. His mouth with filled with a multitude of huge, square teeth. He spoke in terse sentences, and rarely displayed emotion. When he did speak, Prax often referred to himself as "us." Dooku assigned Prax to watch over young Boba Fett, after the youth was brought to Raxus Prime following his father's death on Geonosis. Prax was later assigned to the task force Count Dooku had assembled to track down the Force Harvester, and was instrumental in the Separatist's plans to enslave the Wookiees of the planet Kashyyyk. Besides his military skills, Prax was also an excellent pilot, and fought a brief battle with Anakin Skywalker during the early stages of the Clone Wars. After having captured Skywalker on Raxus Prime, the Jedi escaped, but was confronted by Prax again on the planet Thule. There, the two engaged each other by attacking with their fighter tanks. Ultimately, Anakin proved to be the better pilot, as he was able to destroy Prax's tank and kill the Chistori.
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