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Kithe, Joram

this man was a civilian accountant with the Old Republic, during the onset of the Clone Wars. His parents died in an airspeeder accident, and he was shuffled from relative to relative for many years. Much of his upbringing was handled by his aunt, Tagdel, who made sure he had the best education possible. She also tried to motivate Jorma by getting him an accounting job with the Old Republic's Department of Cost Accouting. In this position, he was part of the team which was dispatched to various battle scenes, in an effort to justify the expense of creating the Army of the Republic, and to decide whether or not to continue to invest in the creation of clone troopers. He and his assigned platoon were sent to Pengalan IV, where they were cut off from their main unit and stranded after the Separatists sprang their trap. Joram was reluctant to take charge of the survivors, despite the fact that his position within the Republic made him a nominal Lieutenant within the Intelligence branch, but he rallied the troopers enough to make a brief rescue of their comrades. Unable to distinguish individual clones, Joram gave them nicknames based on individual traits, and provided enough help to see them through their struggles. As the team was eventually rescued, Joram decided to wholeheartedly endorse the clone trooper program, even though he discovered that they had been specially developed to perform better than "average" clone troopers. His work on Pengalan IV earned him the notice of the Republic's Intelligence agency, which recruited him shortly after his rescue. His first assignment was the recovery of Edbit Teeks on Tarhassan, an assignment that matched him with a group of first-time Intelligence agents.
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