Viith Yalu
this Yuuzhan Vong Shaper was in command of the compound established on Wayland, shortly after the aline invaders discovered the former Imperial stroghold there. Viith Yalu and his team were responsible for discovering a way to neutralize the effects of bacta, in an effort to cripple the New Republic. Four years after the onset of the invasion, Viith Yalu and his team succeeded in breaking the biochemical sequencing of bacta, and developed a virus which could destroy the alazhi plants that were vital to the fluid's production. Viith Yalu planned to bring the virus to Thyferrs inside the person of Bey Gandan, after having twisted the former Jedi Knight to the ways of the Yuuzhan Vong. The virus was implanted in his body, and was to be expelled from his pores upon reaching Thyferra. The plan nearly succeeded, as Bey was able to release a small portion of the virus before he was killed. However, the Vratix had been alerted the the threat, and burned the infected alazhi fields before the virus could spread.