Ro Fenn
this obese Twi'lek male was the leader of his clan, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. He was a member of the Twi'leki head-clan when Pol Secura was killed, and was to be forced to walk into the Bright Lands by Twi'leki law. Ro Fenn hired Vilmahr Grahrk to find a way to ensure his life was not sacrificed. Villie suggested kidnapping Nat Secura, the son of Lon Secura and the one Twi'lek who stood to benefit the most from Ro Fenn's death. Ro agreed, but was unaware that, behind the scenes, his exiled son Kh'aris Fenn actually carried out the kidnapping. Ro then confronted Lon Secura, planning to use the disappearance of Nat Secura as a bargaining chip, when Kh'aris decided to come out of hiding. Kh'aris, angry that his father had not worked to overturn his exile, forced Ro Fenn and Lon Secura to agree to his demands. Ro Fenn refused, but Kh'aris had had enough. He exiled Ro Fenn, and set out to take control of the planet. Before Kh'aris could put his plans fully into motion, Lon Secura secretly met with other clan leaders. He presented all the evidence of the treachery of Ro Fenn as well as Kh'aris Fenn, and the combined leaders decided to exile both Fenns to the Bright Lands. Ro was captured immediately, while Kh'aris escaped.