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this immense, white-skinned humanoid was one of the Old Republic's most notorious criminals, although he was never brought before a judge and jury to be tried for his crimes. Uda-Khalid was known to kill entire populations in order to obtain power over the people and their resouces. He cared little for life, except his own, and desired only more power and control. Uda-Khalid was distinguished by the row of short horns which ran back atop his skull from his forehead, and the long, drooping, black eyebrows which framed his huge face. The Jedi Council was alerted to his actions, and the lack of prosecution against him, and dispatched Mace Windu to bring him to justice. Uda-Khalid, however, wanted nothing to do with being taken in for justice, and challenged Windu to one-on-one combat. Unfortunately for Uda-Khalid, Windu's lightsaber training was impeccable. In a swift flourish, Windu speared Uda-Khalid though the heart. Uda-Khalid's reign of terror was over.
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